Cybersecurity Board training

Training and awareness to secure your business from the inside out

Our training courses offer cybersecurity training to help business leaders prepare for the latest cyber risks.

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    Cybersecurity Board training

    Do your board members have certificates to prove their cybersecurity training?

    Cybersecurity is an issue for every single one of us, and if your name is listed as a Director at Companies House or if you are a Trustee or a Board Advisor then you have an unavoidable personal liability for a breach within your organisation.

    Fines levied and prosecutions made as a result of a data breach or cybersecurity attack or error are legally done so under the principles of The General Data Protection Regulation, and under GDPR, it is a requirement that all staff receive Cybersecurity education.

    There are plenty of training options for your workforce out there, but a distinct lack of board training offerings on the market.

    ramsac has created two different workshops which both satisfy these compliance requirements. The training can be delivered to your entire board in a privately booked session or alternatively individual directors or trustees can book a space on one of the monthly courses.

    Private bookings can either be delivered in person or remotely. The open board sessions are all delivered on a remote training platform and attendees of either session receive a certificate to prove compliancy.

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    Cybersecurity Board training

    Training Option 1: The Human Firewall – Because Cybersecurity isn’t an IT problem (210 minutes)

    This workshop on Cybersecurity has been designed to equip senior business leaders with vital skills and essential knowledge necessary in today’s fully connected business environment.

    According to recent government statistics, around 65 per cent of organisations have been breached or hacked. In other words, data which is considered sensitive, protected, or confidential has been used, copied, transmitted, viewed, or stolen by an individual or organisation unauthorized to do so. However, unlike other crimes, you may not know that it has happened until weeks, even months, after the event. It is taking leaders a long time to realise this is a business issue and not a technology issue.

    There are very few businesses where a cyber-threat is not a major risk to its welfare. Warren Buffet famously said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it.” These days a company’s reputation can be destroyed within a couple of clicks.

    Technology is evolving faster than we can generate individuals with the skills and experience we need. The agile nature of business, along with remote working technology, has left more companies open to the risk of cyber-attacks and it is vital that we understand the problem, know how to plan for it, talk about it and start to take action.

    Course objectives

    To equip Attendees to:

    • Understand how cybercrime can and will impact your business.
    • Have an awareness of the latest scams being targeted at businesses of all sizes.
    • Have the ability to direct and prepare for cybersecurity risks, knowing how to talk both to IT and the rest of the business.
    • Understand the impact of cyber with regards to GDPR.


    To equip Attendees to:

    • Understand current cybersecurity risks and how to mitigate them.
    • Have an easy to understand approach for preparing for a cybersecurity attack.
    • Have reassurance and confidence in a must-know subject with plenty of tips and useful anecdotes.
    • Understand what needs to be done with cybersecurity for the GDPR

    Cost: £300 per attendee

    Availability: Monthly open course or private booking by arrangement.

    Training option 2 – Cybersecurity: A 10 Point Plan
    (90 minutes)

    This is a shorter workshop which is practical and a highly valuable session that works brilliantly as a remote session and can be delivered in 90 minutes for those who want a shorter speaker session.

    Vigilance starts in the boardroom and it is crucial that the C-suite take an active role in understanding the level of risk they are exposed to and establishing a meaningful and effective strategy.

    The session is engaging, entertaining and thought provoking.At the end of it, delegates will have a checklist of at least ten things that they should be doing in their business, questions that they need to be asking of their IT advisers and a strategy for minimising risk of prosecution.

    Anyone who has already done the Human Firewall workshop will understand that Cybersecurity is not an IT problem!

    This workshop is suitable for all directors and board advisors, it can be consumed as a stand-alone session or in addition to the Human Firewall workshop (which is a 3½ hour session either in person or remotely). Equally it does not matter in which order groups do the workshops.

    Course objectives

    To equip attendees to:

    • Understand their liability and risks with regards to cybercrime
    • Hear about the latest scams and cybersecurity risks
    • Consider the additional challenges of a Work from Anywhere/Home culture
    • Understand what the ICO and Insurers expect to see in play


    Delegates will:

    • Have a 10+ point action plan/check list
    • Better understand the business challenge and how to tackle it at all levels.
    • Know how to challenge and question your IT advisers (internal or external)
    • Feel comfortable talking about a subject that may be alien to them
    • Attendees with a cybersecurity background themselves will have a methodology for talking to businesses in a way that they understand and act.

    Cost: £200 per attendee

    Availability: Monthly open course or private booking by arrangement.

    ramsac team headshot rob may

    Board training sessions are delivered by Rob May.

    Rob is founder and Executive Chairman of ramsac, he is also an award-winning cybersecurity speaker and recently listed in the top 10 cybersecurity keynote speakers worldwide. Rob is also the UK Ambassador for Cybersecurity for the Institute of Directors, on the Advisory Board of the South East Cyber Resilience Centre and he is currently ranked No.5 in the Global rankings for Cybersecurity Thought Leaders/Influencers. His TED Talk has now had over 400,000 views (on TEDx YouTube and TED.COM). He is a published author selling his cybersecurity books on Amazon in 7 countries. And he makes a complex yet vital subject fun, entertaining, actionable, and very relevant.

    Benefits of our cybersecurity Board training

    Where there is a general lack of training opportunities for board members, ramsac’s detailed two workshop sessions cover the essential compliance requirements for a business.

    • Better understand liability
    • Learn about the latest scams
    • Find out about the challenges with remote working culture
    • Understand the role of the ICO and insurance best practice
    • Discover the impact of cybercrime on GDPR
    • Prepare your business for cyber risks

    Would you like to find out more?

    For more information on content or dates of the training, or to book a place please don’t hesitate to contact us

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    Quiz yourself

    Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

    11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?

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