Cybersecurity monitoring

Proactive cyber security monitoring to protect your company

A cybersecurity breach can happen at any time, any day of the week. Hackers don’t work 9-5, and neither should your security monitoring. That’s why ramsac’s experienced and dedicated teams provide 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring to protect UK businesses like yours.

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    Cybersecurity monitoring

    secure + is a fully-managed, 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring service, run by our dedicated in-house cybersecurity team. We detect a breach the moment it happens and take action to prevent damage from being done.

    In our experience, the most common breaches our clients see are because of human error and compromised accounts. Often for our clients, the first indication of a cyber breach is when it’s already too late; a customer might complain about phishing emails being sent from a client address, or a supplier complains that an invoice the client thought they had paid to the right account has never been received.

    secure+ proactively identifies potential breaches around the clock and acts to reduce the threat.

    secure + graphic
    secure + logo

    24/7 cybersecurity monitoring services

    secure+ cybersecurity monitoring runs 24/7, ingesting event data, analysing and hunting for potential threats and generating alerts as required., If it detects something that could be malicious, it will log an alert for investigation, regardless of the time of day.

    Action is taken to stop the threat and prevent further impact. We then clear up the impact of the security breach and mitigate future occurrences

    ramsac IT support team working in office

    Cybersecurity monitoring tailored to your organisation

    A key feature of secure+ is that it’s completely tailored to your organisation, based on your priorities and sensitivities.

    During set up, we will discuss with you what is particularly important for your organisation and advise how we can better monitor for threats against these priorities.

    As a secure+ client, you will receive priority deployments of patches or fixes issued in light of critical service vulnerabilities, ensuring that your organisation is protected before threat actors can exploit them.

    We are trusted by

    secure + downloadable resource from ramsac

    Discover our guide that walks you through secure+ and how it can positively impact your business. You’ll find everything you need to know about being proactive towards cybercrime.

    Cybersecurity monitoring: what secure+ detects

    secure+ runs 24/7 looking for potential signs of malicious activity or cyber breaches.

    Our cybersecurity monitoring service runs several hundred monitors every day looking for these suspicious events, but some of the key ones include:

    • Login activity 
    • Changes to user accounts or permissions 
    • Multi-Factor authentication activity  
    • Data management  
    • Passwords 
    • Integration with other systems

    How secure+ benefits your organisation

    Monthly report – Each month you will get a comprehensive report of your secure+ service, where we call out significant events and recommendations to improve your security.

    Vulnerability scanning – We periodically run scans against your external facing infrastructure to look for vulnerabilities or gaps in your security.

    Priority patching – As a secure+ customer, you will get priority status for emergency or critical patches that get announced.

    Quarterly Audits – Every quarter we will run an audit of critical accounts, mailboxes and other services to check that privileges are as expected across your estate.

    Need a cybersecurity monitoring service you can trust?

    Our monthly reports and vulnerability scans are just some steps we take when preventing cybercrime. We monitor real-time threats, keeping your business as prepared as possible.

    Other cybersecurity services

    We offer a wide range of cybersecurity solutions to protect your organisation, year-round. 

    No need to hire a cybersecurity expert or a team of IT engineers. ramsac can do it all, for a fixed monthly fee.

    Here’s just some of the ways we can help

    Cybersecurity audits

    We’ll take a holistic view of your IT estate, and see where your weaknesses are, before presenting them in a report, along with guidance and support on fixing any errors

    Cyber Resilience Certification

    Our Cyber Resilience Certification is a mark that demonstrates your competence and awareness of cybersecurity. After auditing your company, we give you a mark

    Cybersecurity training

    The human firewall is the most important part of maintaining a cyber secure business. We’ll train you and your staff to be vigilant, know when to raise queries and what to do if the worst happens.

    Cybersecurity solutions

    We also have many other solutions that we can provide to help you with your cybersecurity. Just get in touch, and we can tailor our service to you.

    Why choose ramsac for cybersecurity monitoring?

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    Our team are rigorously and regularly trained in all matter of cybersecurity issues, so you know that the people you work with are genuine experts in their field.

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    Service promise

    With responsive SLA’s and helpful cybersecurity staff, you can come to us with any concerns, at any time. We’re always here to help.

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    Cybersecurity can be filled with confusing terms. We won’t use jargon, instead explaining in a way that any of your team can understand.

    Cybersecurity monitoring

    CSAT Icon

    Satisfaction Survey

    All our clients are invited to provide a quick rating of satisfaction when we close a Support request for them. Find out what they had to say.

    What our clients say

    • Emerging Futures

      "totalIT has reduced our level of risk significantly and completely removed the burden of endless worry about managing our IT infrastructure."

      View case study

    • Sir John Soane’s Museum

      "Every encounter with any personnel from ramsac has always been a valuable, collaborative, engaging and a learning experience."

      View case study

    • Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

      “They are very professional, knowledgeable, and friendly…we have had very positive experiences working with ramsac.”

      View case study

    • Nuffield Foundation – Cyber Resilience Certification

      “We want to know that we’re doing everything we should be doing to keep our systems as secure as reasonably possible"

      View case study

    • Chambers Group

      "ramsac employees genuinely care about what they are doing and the people they help which is a breath of fresh air in the IT industry"

      View case study

    • English National Opera

      "Within less than a year of working together, we have a clear plan, we have overcome a number of significant issues and have delivered some real breakthroughs in productivity."

      View case study

    How can we help you with cybersecurity monitoring?

    No matter whether you’re just starting out with cybersecurity and want some guidance or want to ensure your company is protected all day, every day, get in touch.

    We’re here to help.

    ramsac team

    Quiz yourself

    Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

    11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?