How Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) works

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the process of needing more than one piece of information to log in to a secure website or service. In traditional systems, all you need to know to gain access to an IT system is a user name and password. MFA introduces a second component, often a PIN code that can only be generated by a mobile phone (which in itself requires a PIN code, face or thumbprint recognition to open it) or an access token, meaning that for a malicious user to gain access to a system, they would need to steal not only your password information but also your mobile device – making it significantly harder for access. MFA isn’t really new, we’ve been doing it at cashpoints for decades – to get money from your bank you have always needed both your password (your PIN) as well as the associated bank card.

In this video, we explain why organisations are using MFA and demonstrate how it works.

Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication

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