Video: Modern document management with Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint is part of your Office 365 subscription, providing you with lots of opportunities to streamline the way you work on, secure and store your company data, yet many organisations are unsure of how to get started.

As we mix home working and office working, managing your documents across your organisation can be an increasing challenge. You tell us that:

  • Documents are created using out-of-date templates
  • You can’t work because documents are ‘Locked for Editing” by other users
  • Multiple versions of the same document exist with no clarity on which is the current version
  • You use an Excel spreadsheet to manage ISO policy documents
  • You’re unsure that documents are being protected in line with your retention/destruction policies

Interested in how you can use your existing Microsoft 365 subscription to solve these challenges? Watch our video to discover how to create, manage, share and protect documents effectively within your organisation.

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