CryoLife Europa

CryoLife Europa is one of the world’s leading manufacturer of medical device products. Their UK office is based in Guildford where they market and sell medical device products directly to the medical industry.

In this video Claire Brown discusses how ramsac helped CryoLife with their IT support and how we made IT simple for them.

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I’m Claire Brown and I’m office manager at Cyrolife Europa.

Cryolife manufacture and sell medical device products directly to the medical industry.

Fairly specialised and our office in the UK is mainly doing sales and marketing which involves lots of sales deadlines, getting orders out of the door and really need systems to working be well all the time. ramsac were recommended to us by another local company, that we work with, and we really felt that it was a trusted recommendation.

Going on from that, we then met with ramsac and really felt impressed by what they could offer us and what they could do generally for our company. We thought it was a really good fit. ramsac are extremely professional, but they’re also very friendly and extremely efficient within their interactions with us. In particular Simon, who comes in on a monthly basis, identifies issues that need resolving, makes recommendations. Within moments of telling us something is required; we receive an email from the office to give us a quote and get things moving.

The key thing that I find with ramsac is that we’re very busy. Things regularly drop off our radar, ramsac, put them back on the radar. We don’t have a hard Sell from ramsac but they will remind us of things that we’ve had quotes on, ask us if we want to actually follow up with the purchase.

Where we may have had single points of failure before and regular network outages, we now no longer have that. I mean save; you know infrastructure going down across the country? We don’t have the kind of regular little glitches that you might get in a company. And that’s largely down to the audit that ramsac undertook and the recommendations that they’ve made.

They really understand what their customers need. They take the time to find out what their requirements are and they’re so far attention to detail their efficient their friendly, and extremely helpful.

And ramsac had been involved with us with our office refurb that we have recently undertaken. We relocated our comms room at which is extremely complicated task. In particular, we had Simon on hand who planned the project and was really faultless and everything that he did. We were extremely pleased everything went smoothly and it’s really all down to ramsac pulling everything together.

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