Element Power

Who are Element Power?

Element Power is a global renewable energy developer. With a worldwide presence and multiple offices spanning Europe and America, Element Power pride themselves on their portfolio of wind and solar power generation facilities. With the pressures of designing, planning, resourcing, engineering and operating renewable projects, comes a great reliance on the business’ core IT infrastructure.

Element Power recognises that mankind’s energy needs are exponentially increasing and will continue to for the foreseeable future and for this reason they are at the forefront of renewable energy projects worldwide. Element take continual steps to secure a lower carbon-footprint through the development and innovation of technology that can yield the optimum benefits from our natural energy sources.

A creative, versatile and agile approach is what makes Element Power a leader in their field, and it is therefore not surprising that they demand their own IT infrastructure possesses similar key attributes; the ability to expand, to be flexible, and to be able to adapt to ever-transforming business needs.

Selecting ramsac

This is where ramsac came in; on the recommendation of another satisfied client, Element Power chose ramsac to manage the IT infrastructure at their UK and Finnish offices. Leána Dos Santos Group Systems & Communications Manager at Element Power explains, “ramsac has provided us with full IT support over the past few years and we have come to rely on them heavily for the smooth running of our IT environment. They really have taken the stress out of IT for us with their proactive rather than reactive approach”.

The ramsac approach

Where other IT service providers see their only responsibility as the day to day functioning of the IT infrastructure, ramsac understands that organisations need more than just maintenance of the status quo. The ramsac approach is to work to understand the unique needs of an organisation, to plan technology tailored to today’s requirements, as well as strategically considering the future needs of each organisation it works with, factoring in business goals, industry development and legislative changes. Leána continued, “ramsac have provided workable, cost-effective suggestions and successfully implemented these changes, leading to noticeable improvements in the functionality and performance of our IT infrastructure. In doing this, ramsac have ensured that our infrastructure has grown one step ahead of our organisational needs.”

Dedicated off-site IT Consultant

ramsac provides Element Power with a dedicated, off-site IT Consultant, who visits the Element offices monthly on a prearranged schedule, ensuring that the core infrastructure is well maintained, secured and continually developed. The Element Power team also all have 24 hour a day access to ramsac’s remote IT helpdesk, should they require IT assistance whilst operating from another timezone or burning the midnight oil to meet pressing deadlines. This round the clock cover ensures that no issue has to wait and Element’s busy staff can quickly resolve issues that may prevent them from being able to work efficiently.

Remote management

Combined with additional services and managing online and traditional on premise back up, ramsac also provide remote management of the Helsinki branch. Leána explains how outsourcing IT management to ramsac has improved their day to day operations, “ramsac’s strength lies in following up on all support requests, network issues and development requests, and this has ensured that no task, however small, is allowed to slip through the cracks. The team are communicative, pleasant and above all, productive. We have been impressed by their perseverance to get to the bottom of issues, regardless of how obscure they may seem initially, as well as their professional representation and efficient interaction with our global networking providers.”

Office relocation

As well as managing and supporting the IT infrastructure, ramsac’s network team are also on hand for a wide range of additional projects, such as the recent relocation of Element’s London offices. ramsac’s network consultant Simon Gibbon, who planned the move spoke about the importance of this, “Any move of this type needs to be meticulously planned to make sure every aspect of the office is thought about. Element Power’s London office provided the services for a large amount of the European locations too, so communicating with all these parties throughout the move was essential to manage expectations and to ensure they all felt they were in the loop at all times.” Leána concluded, “The combination of good logical planning and friendly but focused implementation was a winner and made for a pleasant weekend working with the ramsac team.”

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?

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