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Navigating the new Microsoft 365 Teams licensing: What you need to know

Microsoft 365

Microsoft has recently announced updates to its licensing structure for Microsoft 365, particularly regarding the inclusion of Teams in this blog, we explain what that means for you [...]

Say hello to the new Microsoft Teams

Microsoft 365

Microsoft is retiring the classic version of Teams at the end of March 2024 and moving everyone to the new Teams [...]

The benefits of upgrading to Microsoft Teams Premium

Microsoft 365

This blog explains what Microsoft Teams Premium is and outlines the benefits an organisation will gain from upgrading to it. [...]

Managing external users in Teams

Managing external users in Teams – Add guests to Teams

Microsoft 365

Managing external users in Teams is relatively simple, but there’s a few tips and tricks to know that can make your life easier. See what you can do and [...]

Header sharing powerpoint in teams

How to share PowerPoint slides on Teams

Microsoft 365

There are numerous ways to share your PowerPoint slides in calls on Teams. Discover what you can do to make sharing slides in calls easier. Read our blog [...]

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Microsoft Teams web vs desktop

Microsoft 365

Do you use the web or desktop version of Teams at work? Discover which is best, and how they stack up in key functionality. Read today. [...]


A guide to mastering Microsoft Teams meetings

In this guide to Microsoft Teams, ramsac’s experts have gathered helpful information so that you can unlock more of what this application can offer your business. From initial basics [...]

Man using Microsoft teams

Microsoft Teams cheat sheet

Microsoft 365

Learn everything from sharing to collaborating on team documents and how to communicate more efficiently in our Microsoft Teams cheat sheet. Read today. [...]

New features in Microsoft Teams – Speaker Coach, Facial Filters and Quiet Time  

Microsoft 365

Microsoft is continually rolling out new features to improve Teams, in this blog we will highlight 3 new features and explain how they work. [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?