ramsac team

IT Blog Category: Culture

ramsac Ada lovelace blog

Celebrating Ada Lovelace: encouraging women to consider a career in IT


To celebrate Ada Lovelace day, we are spotlighting 3 of ramsac’s female technicians to find out what encouraged them to pursue a STEM career. [...]

ramsac tech she can charter blog

The Tech She Can Charter: our commitment


We have signed the Tech She can Charter as a commitment to challenge the gender imbalance and to encourage more women into technical roles. [...]

ramsac breathe culture leader logo

ramsac named as one of UK’s top culture leaders 2021


Culture is very important to ramsac and the way we work, so we are thrilled to have been named a UK top culture leader by Breathe [...]

ramsac people working in office

7 Reasons Why Company Culture is Important


A good company culture generates the foundations for solid business growth, by listening to employees and making changes where needed. Explore more benefits. [...]

take me to the cauliflower blog 768x329 1

“Take me to the cauliflower” – a customer service parable


“Take me to the cauliflower” has become a phrase that both embodies what we do, and also allows anyone to challenge another colleague if they think they could be [...]