The Tech She Can Charter: our commitment

ramsac tech she can charter blog
The Tech She Can Charter is an initiative led by PwC to increase the number of women working in technology roles in the UK. The current lack of gender balance is an industry wide issue that ramsac have experienced first-hand, typically women make up just 15% of our job applicants. We have signed the Tech She can Charter as a commitment to challenge this issue and to encourage more women into technical roles. The Charter aims to tackle the root cause of the problem at a societal level by inspiring and educating young girls and women to get into tech careers and sharing best practice across the organisations involved. In signing the Charter, we have agreed to
  • Work with schools to educate and inspire pupils and teachers about technology careers.
  • Support social mobility by targeting schools in the Government’s social mobility ‘cold spots’.
  • Creating role models, we will work together to celebrate and promote our successful women in tech role models at all levels.
  • Inclusive access, to ensure access to technology training and technology roles in their own organisations and review job descriptions and wording and the way we recruit to be more inclusive.
  • Attract, recruit, retain, to offer formal work experience programmes or internships via our own organisations to encourage more females to consider technology as a career option.
  • Sharing best practice – We commit to meeting regularly to share what works at our organisations and any challenges, so that we can learn from each other.
At ramsac we have been focusing on achieving the above actions and putting processes in place to ensure we continue with these efforts on an ongoing basis. We have launched campaigns to promote STEM careers to young women and our work on gender diversity has been picked up by Enterprise M3 who have invited us to become key leaders on a new programme to promote STEM careers to previously underrepresented groups. We work with local schools very closely, to support careers, offering year 11 students a mock interview, and careers talks for year 9 and 10 students. We have created the ramsac women’s network to share ideas and provide support for our female employees. We review all job descriptions and recruitment content to remove any unconscious bias. Perhaps most importantly, we’re making this very public commitment that ramsac is a culture that encourages and promotes diversity, and we hope that women will be confident that their application will be taken seriously. We are excited to see more female applicants applying for technical roles and have recently recruited more women into the technical team we are hoping to continue and build on this. We know that culturally diverse workplaces are generally the most fulfilling ones to work in, and we want to do our part to commit to positive change.

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