7 Reasons Why Company Culture is Important

ramsac people working in office

Company culture defined

Company culture is more than a set of company values and a ‘fun’ work environment. It’s how a business encourages growth by listening to and valuing its employees, whilst at the same time ensuring work ethics and attitudes are healthy.  A good company culture generates the foundations for solid business growth, by listening to employees and making changes where needed.

Why is company culture important?

Company culture is important not only for your employees’ general happiness and engagement, but for your business’s stability as well. Good company culture encourages management to ask questions which lead to honest evaluation, making changes that impact a company for the better. In time, this allows companies to overtake the competitors through their own progression.

There are many benefits to a strong company culture, we have outlined the best below:

The benefits of a strong company culture

1) Improved employee performance

When employees have a good grasp of their company culture, they’re more likely to work in line with the values a company holds close. You can expect improved productivity and commitment from employees working within a healthy company culture.

2) Boosted staff morale

Much like employee work performance, as a good company culture develops, so does employee motivation. Staff want to feel like their voices are being heard, so when they are listened to, they’re likely to feel more positive about their place of work.

3) Improved staff retention

When employees are happy in their role and feel listened to, they are less likely to take their career elsewhere. With a good, strong company culture, staff retention is likely to increase. Not only does this build a strong, close-knit team, it means the business saves on money and time that often comes along with new hires.

4) Improved financials

With increased employee productivity, morale and retention comes sustained financial benefits.  When employees are inspired and committed, they are more likely to work to their full potential, meaning tasks are completed effectively first time. Additionally, money is saved from training during the onboarding of new staff, as staff retention is high.

5) Recruitment

Through mentions in your promotional materials to quotes from happy employees online, word of a good company culture spreads. From a recruitment standpoint, potential candidates are more likely to apply for roles at a company that has a positive culture. This means more applications and more choice, allowing you to select the best fit for the job.

“Offices that dismiss the importance of employee independence, flexibility and role fulfillment are at risk of increasing consumer distrust through reputation slamming.” Breathe HR

6) Keeps values at the forefront

If your company culture matches up to your company’s values, it keeps your values front and centre for employees to follow at all times. Whereas, if a culture didn’t quite reflect a company’s core values, they are meaningless words that merely highlight an aspiration rather than a value to work by.

7) Reduces employee stress & improves wellbeing

A company culture that enables employees to be heard can reduce employee stress. This means more work done on time and increased staff motivation.  Whereas on the contrary, an unhealthy company culture can increase employee stress and even spread it around a work environment. Employee wellbeing strategies can bring a multitude of benefits to employees and employers alike, but they need to be consistent with a business culture that allows for their success.

Flexible working & company culture

Employees in the UK want flexibility in their jobs, and they want it now. A study by Timewise highlighted that 87% of all full-time employees either work flexibly already, or would like to.

Flexible working can be a driving force behind a good company culture. It enforces trust, allows employees to work when they are most productive and can contribute towards a better work-life balance.

ramsac – a top culture leader in the UK

ramsac are proud to have been named a top UK SME culture leader by Real Business. We strive to always perform at the top of our game, and put culture at the forefront of everything we do.

ramsac MD, Rob May discusses why culture is so important to the company:

 “Our commitment to people is not just a tick box exercise, we genuinely believe that making the workplace the happiest we possibly can, providing great career opportunities, being really clear about our culture and our values, providing flexible working practices and taking care of one another, make this far more than just a place to work, it makes it a family.”

To maintain our company culture, we have taken breathe HR’s culture pledge and have our very own culture book, providing insight into how we work as a company. Take a look for yourselves…

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