Celebrating International Women’s Day: Women in Tech

IWD 2022 blog

Here at ramsac we are passionate about encouraging women to consider a career in technology. In an industry that traditionally has a fairly poor track record for gender diversity, we are committing to #breakthebias, by focusing on promoting gender parity in technology and celebrating women in Tech roles this International Women’s Day

We spoke to 3 of ramsac’s female technicians to find out how they feel about having a STEM career.

Sam Dabkowska – IT Operations Technician

“Being in IT or any technology based job, isn’t defined by your gender, its defined by you as person, you can be as ‘girly’ or as ‘macho’ as you like (or anything in between), at the end of the day what are you interested in, what makes you get up in the morning with a spring in your step, find what that is and don’t let anyone tell you it’s not right for you based on something as narrow as your gender.”

Hadia Jaja – IT Operations Technician

“Something that I would say to other women who are considering a career in technology is to do it! If you feel it’s for you then definitely go for it. Don’t think about ‘what will people think’ as this is your life, and you have the right to do what you want. Never stop believing.”

Abbi Walker – IT Training Manager

“I would say to any woman who is considering a tech career to jump in with both feet, from someone who was not initially interested in this industry and trained in an industry that is the opposite end of the spectrum, I do find a career in tech extremely fulfilling, it has given me the opportunity to learn so many new things and I have so many avenues that I can progress in, whether that is still in Support, Projects, Training. No one job will ever be a one size fits all, but I believe in tech it gives you the freedom to put your own spin on things and bring your own knowledge and creativity to mould the job to fit you.”

As part of our commitment to encouraging Women into Tech roles, we have launched campaigns to promote STEM careers to young women and our work on gender diversity has been picked up by Enterprise M3 who have invited us to become key leaders on a new programme to promote STEM careers to previously underrepresented groups. We work with local schools very closely, to support careers, offering year 11 students a mock interview, and careers talks for year 9 and 10 students. We have created the ramsac women’s network to share ideas and provide support for our female employees. We review all job descriptions and recruitment content to remove any unconscious bias.

ramsac is a culture that encourages and promotes diversity, and we hope that women will be confident that their application will be taken seriously. We are excited to see more female applicants applying for technical roles and have recently recruited more women into the technical team . We know that culturally diverse workplaces are generally the most fulfilling ones to work in, and we want to do our part to commit to positive change and #Breakthebias.

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Careers at ramsac.

We’re always on the lookout for great people, for more information

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